The River Never Sleeps Festival 2011 May 15

Paintings by School Children

Arden DSC_0651.JPG (411353 bytes) DSC_0652.JPG (394703 bytes) 

Queenesh DSC_0653.JPG (467440 bytes) DSC_0654.JPG (442236 bytes)DSC_0655.JPG (443660 bytes) 

Valley View DSC_0656.JPG (433470 bytes) DSC_0657.JPG (450229 bytes)DSC_0658.JPG (460154 bytes)

Nanoose Bay DSC_0659.JPG (452507 bytes) DSC_0660.JPG (439833 bytes)DSC_0661.JPG (449410 bytes)

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More fishing instruction (knot tying) DSC_0726.JPG (480143 bytes) 

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Bower Waterworks Sharon Prizeman on left DSC_0732.JPG (453569 bytes) 

Island Timberlands rep Morgan Kennah DSC_0733.JPG (452945 bytes)  

Information officer AKA Secretary Lise Lagu� talking to newcomers as they enter the main concourse DSC_0734.JPG (461418 bytes)  

The main concourse DSC_0735.JPG (464492 bytes) DSC_0736.JPG (455139 bytes)

DFO Liaison Officer and story teller, Dave Davies, demonstrating the effect of civilization on streams. DSC_0737.JPG (407660 bytes)

Hatchery Manager Pam Lengyel conducting a tour of the facilities DSC_0738.JPG (443526 bytes) 

Releasing the smolts into Rosewall Creek:

The crowd gathers ... DSC_0739.JPG (469984 bytes) They will soon be free DSC_0740.JPG (459820 bytes) Marching out to the release point DSC_0741.JPG (473185 bytes) 

OOO... water is way down there! DSC_0748.JPG (451377 bytes)Bonding with the fishies DSC_0753.JPG (468427 bytes) 

OK babies, time to go DSC_0757.JPG (466812 bytes) Wait Hon, Mommy wants a picture DSC_0762.JPG (456756 bytes) Another satisfied "worker" DSC_0768.JPG (449295 bytes)

Adults can have fun too! DSC_0751.JPG (454835 bytes)

Fly fishing demo DSC_0765.JPG (465740 bytes)  

Food Court. You pays your money DSC_0769.JPG (465171 bytes) You gets your bun (and condiments) DSC_0770.JPG (459494 bytes) and the BBQ product comes out here.DSC_0772.JPG (461895 bytes) 

The credits DSC_0773.JPG (431204 bytes)